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Imported Alcohol from Japan Radiation Detection Q&A
A1. To prevent contaminated alcohol from being imported into Taiwan, the MOF has conducted lot-to-lot inspection on imported alcohol from 5 prefectures of Japan including Fukushima, Gunma, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Chiba since the nuclear incident of March 2011. The MOF has entrusted the National Atomic Research Institute to conduct radiation detection. Only alcohol which is in compliance with the “Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods” stipulated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, is allowed to be imported.
A2. The majority of countries such as the USA and EU members has lifted any specific control measures on importing alcohol from nuclear affected areas in Japan. Some countries such as Korea and Russia have requested importers to provide a certificate of radiation detection. However, Taiwan has not accepted foreign inspection reports, but has adopted the lot-to-lot inspection measure by the NTA, which is more rigorous than that of other countries.
A3. The MOF has entrusted the National Atomic Research Institute to conduct radiation detection. The radiation detection is conducted by Gamma Spectrum which analyzes artificial nuclear species iodine-131, cesium-134, and cesium-137. Regarding Article 2 of the “Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods” which was amended and published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on January 18, 2016, the tolerances of iodine-131 and sum of cesium-134 and cesium-137 in soft drinks and bottled water were 100Bq/kg and 10Bq/kg, respectively.
A4. From March 2011, the radiation detection results of imported alcohols from Fukushima and four nearby prefectures of Japan were all at zero detection. The results are stated on the website of the National Treasury Administration, Ministry of Finance on a monthly basis. Please click on the link to “Imported Alcohol from Japan Radiation Detection Section” for more information.
A5. If the inspection item of imported alcohol is radiation, after the application for inspection, Customs will collect the samples and send them to the National Atomic Research Institute (NARI) to conduct radiation detection. According to the Method of Test of Radionuclides in Foods announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the document of the NARI (dated September 28, 2018), the weight of sample for radiation detection of alcohol shall be no less than 900 grams.
A6. Considering that the remaining detection samples may be unsuitable for consumption or use after radiation detection, all samples will not be returned. All samples will be properly destroyed by the National Atomic Research Institute.
A7. According to The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act, the producer or importer shall indicate the country of origin and the name and address of the producer on the alcohol containers that are in direct contact with the alcohol. In addition, according to the Consumer Protection Act, the content of label in Mandarin on imported goods shall not be less comprehensive than those required in the country of origin. As a result, consumers can be informed about the place of manufacture of imported alcohol by the address of the producer from label in Mandarin and the original label.
Issued:Tobacco and Alcohol Management Division Release date:2024-12-17 Last updated:2024-12-17