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Objectives and Guidelines

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Policy Guidelines

Fiscal Year 2023 Policy Guidelines of the National Treasury Administration

1. Managing the overall central government financial resources and fostering fiscal soundness.

2. Improving local fiscal autonomy.

3. Strengthening debt monitoring, intensifying assistance for local governmental finance and management, and strictly adhering to fiscal disciplines.
4. Strengthening the management of government-owned enterprises and enhancing the operational synergy of each enterprise.


Fiscal Year 2022 Policy Guidelines of the National Treasury Administration

1. Establishing multiple channels for the cultivation of financial resources, maintaining fiscal sustainability.
2. Improving local fiscal autonomy.
3. Implementing debt supervision and management in adherence to fiscal disciplines.
4. Strengthening the management of government-owned enterprises and enhancing the operational synergy of each enterprise.


Fiscal Year 2021 Policy Guidelines of the National Treasury Administration

1. Collectively managing the national treasury, enhancing fiscal soundness for the government.
2. Making financial adjustments between local governments.
3. Implementing debt monitoring and management, and strictly adhering to fiscal disciplines.
4. Strengthening the management of government-owned enterprises, enhancing the operational synergies of each enterprise.
Issued:Secretariat Release date:2022-08-12 Last updated:2023-02-20 Click times:4256