Continuous promotion of the flexible use of financial strategies to accelerate the development of public infrastructure
In order to strengthen the nation’s development and competitiveness, the government should continue to advance the development of all kinds of major infrastructure; however, as the financial resources of the government are limited, the MOF will continue to promote the flexible use of the concepts and practices of financial strategies to assist all authorities to improve financial planning in hopes of increasing the self-liquidation rate of projects so as to attract the participation of the private sector and special funds so that the development of infrastructure may be advanced in an effective way and the financial burden of the government may be eased.
Enhance knowledge of international public infrastructure projects and improve financial performance
To learn about international practices in review of public construction projects and financial evaluation, in 2017 the NTA held a workshop on the finance of public construction projects and in 2018 a workshop on the international public finance management. The speakers were from the Asian Development Bank, to share their experience in international finance. The workshops helped the participants not only to absorb knowledge from international perspectives and inspire new ideas, but also enhance good communication and interaction between our government and the Asian Development Bank.