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庫務管理 公庫法 Government Treasury Act
庫務管理 國庫法 National Treasury Act
庫務管理 財政紀律法 Fiscal Discipline Act
庫務管理 國庫經辦行 Agent Institutions of National Treasury
庫務管理 稅款經收處 Tax Collecting Institution
庫務管理 各級公庫代理銀行代辦機構及代收稅款機構稅款解繳作業辦法 Regulations Governing the Payment of the Tax Revenue Collected by Commissioned Banks, Agent Institutions, and Tax Collecting Institutions of Government Treasuries at All Levels
庫務管理 地方政府公庫代理銀行遴選辦法 Regulations Governing the Selection of Agent Banks of Local Government Treasuries
庫務管理 中央政府各機關專戶管理辦法 Regulations Governing the Administration of Special Accounts of Central Government Agencies
庫務管理 中央政府非稅課收入匯款繳庫作業要點 Operation Directions for the Payment of Central Government Non-tax Revenues to the National Treasury by Means of Remittance
庫務管理 國庫收入退還支出收回處理辦法 Regulations Governing the Handling of Return of Revenues and Recovery of Expenditures of the National Treasury
第一頁 1 2 3 4 5 最後一頁

(總共 20 頁,192 筆資料)