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Inspection items of general application for inspection of imported alcohol

Inspection items of general application for inspection of imported alcohol


Since January 1, 2016, the general application for inspection of imported alcohol will be carried out according to the items listed below; but based on domestic and foreign information, those who have other hygienic safety concerns, inspection items are not restricted to this table.

Inspection items of general application for inspection of imported alcohol

Type of product

Inspection items

Sulphur Dioxide

2.Wine Grape wine

Sulphur Dioxide

Other fruit wine

Methanol, Sulphur Dioxide

3.Beverages brewed from grains

Methanol, Lead, Sulphur Dioxide

4.Other brewed alcoholic beverages

Methanol, Lead, Sulphur Dioxide

5.Distilled spirits Brandy




Clear spirits

Methanol, Lead

Rice spirits

Methanol, Lead, Sulphur Dioxide

Other distilled spirits


6.Reprocessed alcoholic beverages

Methanol, Lead

7.Cooking alcohols

Methanol, Lead, Sulphur Dioxide

8.Edible ethyl alcohol

Methanol, Lead, Sulfuric Acid test of Chroma, Oxidation Time, Solids Content, Cyanide (when cassava is used as a raw material)

9.Other alcoholic beverages

Methanol, Lead, Sulphur Dioxide




Issued:Tobacco and Alcohol Management Division Release date:2020-12-22 Last updated:2020-12-22 Click times:617