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Public Treasury Management

In terms of public treasury management, the National Treasury Agency is responsible for the planning of the national treasury system, as well as supervision of local treasury businesses. Major business items include:
1. Drafting and interpretation of national (public) treasury regulations. Included amongst which are the drafting and interpretation of the National Treasury Law and its operational bylaws, the Public Treasury Law and its operational bylaws, Guidelines for Revenue Returns and Expenditure Recalls to the National Treasury, as well as Management Guidelines for Revenue and Expenditure Items under the Designated Custodian Accounts of All Central Government Institutions. 
2. Examination and supervision of agencies for the national treasury business. According to stipulations of the "National Treasury Law" and the "Contract by Ministry of Finance Consigning the Central Bank of China as Agent for the National Treasury", the NTA audits and supervises the main treasury as well as the agent banks sub-consigned for national treasury business.
3. Supervision and direction of local public treasury businesses. According to stipulations of the "National Treasury Law" and "Local Administration Systems Law", the NTA conducts the examination of public treasury regulations for all levels of local governments, as well as engage in the direction of local public treasury affairs.
4. Establishment of national treasury agent institutions and examination of treasury agent contracts. According to the "Contract by Ministry of Finance Consigning the Central Bank of the Republic of China as Agent for the National Treasury", the NTA reviews applications to establish agent treasuries sub-consigned by the CBC, as well as amendments to the consignment contract and other related matters.
5. Examination and control of applications to establish designated accounts for government institutions. According to the rules of "Management Guidelines for Revenue and Expenditure Items under the Designated Custodian Accounts of All Central Government Institutions", the NTA examines and controls applications of all government institutions to open respective designated accounts. 

發布單位:庫務管理組 發布日期:104-09-17 更新日期:104-09-17